Saturday, October 24, 2009

And the World's Worst Blogger Award goes to...

Yeah, that's right. It's only been what? 6 months? Who's counting. Not me.

October has been, as far as the weather goes, my favorite month! We are talking zero humidity, 70 degrees, minimal rain, slight breezes and then don't even get me started on the trees. Breathtaking. I love Autumn. I propose we extend October another 2 weeks and shorten November. Cuz let's face it. No one really cares much for the first half of November. It's the awkward period of time that people yell at you for listening to Christmas music. Just for the record, I listen to Christmas music all year long. I have no problem listening to An Airus Christmas, Vol 2 in April or Mannheim Steamroller in August.

Speaking of music, I am listening to all my Glee tunes. LOVE is the only word to describe that show. Sue Sylvester is my hero. And Josh Groban's cameo was one of my favorite moments so far. "Josh Groban loves a blousy alcoholic." If that's what it takes, I'll do it. :)

By now some of you are probably thinking something along the lines of... "Hey, it took you 6 freakin months to post something on this dumb blog and you're going on about Christmas music (in October!) and Glee. Get on with it."



Because I'm lazy and if you know me, I don't have the best memory. Sure, if something reminds me of something crazy, funny and/or cool I did, I will remember, but I am no magician. I cannot recall things I've done on the spot. So much has happened just this month that my brain just deletes all of the old data to make room for the new. So, sorry, you're out of luck.

But fear not. Let's talk October some more. I went to Sleepy Hollow and the Blaze with some friends last weekend. It was the first time I left the city since moving here. We took a train about an hour north of Manhattan and got off at the creepiest of creepy stations. It was dark and quite abandoned. Not to mention we were all secretly expecting the headless horseman to appear at any moment and steal all of our heads.

The Blaze was wonderful! Imagine over 5,000 pumpkins carved and arranged to make everything from lifesize skeletons, 15 foot tall spider webs, dinosaurs, a gazebo, a dragon, to a pirate ship complete with a pirate crew and wenches. Makes me wish I'd become a Professional Pumpkin Carver.

Davi Crockett and I explored Williamsburg the Sunday before that. Yes, her name is really Davi Crockett and no, not Williamsburg of Civil War fame. This is Williamsburg in Brooklyn AKA my future home. If I could live anywhere in NYC I would choose this lovely hood. I wish we'd brought a camera so you all could see it. So many parks, so many young people, so many thrift stores, so many cafes. Just thinking about it makes me wish I was 3 years older and $50,000 richer. I think maybe I will become a teacher after all. Non-profit work, as much as I'd love it, will not fund my desires to live in NYC. Selfish? Maybe.

Oh, I am in DC right now. I went out for Lupper (too late to be lunch, too early to be supper) with my cousin, Miriam and her cute little daughter Tess. We went to the Cheesecake Factory. I had a Navajo Taco which inevitably reminded me of the time my family went to 4 Corners and all of those Native American ruins. It was oh so delish!

Well, consider yourself up to date! Sure there are large, unaccounted for gaps but you get the general gist right? I love my life here and my only worries and concerns are still in Utah, which makes them so much easier to ignore! :D For those of you who did not know, I extended my contract, and I will be staying here until August, at which time I will head back to BYU to finish up school. :) :) :)

Over and out.